How to permanently erase Contacts in Act-On
Inline with new Data Privacy legislation, there may be occasions where individuals contact your company to request that all of their information is removed/deleted,...
SugarCRM Mobile 6.2.0 is Live
SugarCRM Mobile 6.2.0 is now available for download on iOS and Android devices.
This latest SugarCRM mobile release now allows users to create and modify Quotes,...
Drill Through Charts in Sugar
With the recent Winter '18 release of Sugar, SugarCRM introduced a significant enhancement to reporting tools in the form of drill through capability on...
Version 2.6.0 of the Outlook Plug-in Released!
July 17, 2018.
SugarCRM has released version 2.6.0 if the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook.
This latest release includes the following new features and enhancements:
Summer ’18 (8.1) is Live
Sugar Summer '18 is now live and available for all customers hosted on the Sugar cloud environment. Summer '18 is the next step in Sugars core quarterly...
SugarCRM has been named the best CRM for the fourth year in a row by PC Magazines' annual Business Choice Survey.
PC Magazine asks their...
Data Privacy Module in Sugar
With the release of Sugar 8.0, Sugar introduced a new Data Privacy Module, this module is a feature aimed at supporting your ability to...
How to use keyboard shortcuts in Sugar
Sugar prides themselves on providing a quick, simple and effective user experience. One of the ways in which they do this is by providing users...
SugarCRM Mobile 6.1.2 is Live
SugarCRM Mobile 6.1.2 is now available for download on iOS and Android devices.
This latest SugarCRM Mobile release includes updates for the data privacy practices...
Version 2.5.0 of the Outlook Plug-in Released
SugarCRM has released version 2.5.0 of the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook.
This latest release includes the following new features and enhancements:
Compatibility with the...