As a SugarCRM consultancy partner of over 7 years, Sugabyte has implemented over 250+ successful SugarCRM projects in the UK. A crucial part of any project is consulting over the solution design, technical requirements workshops and customer journey mapping.
Our consulting help can come in many forms. Certainly, for new implementations, our help can start your project in the right direction. For existing customers of SugarCRM, our consulting is included with our support packages. (Learn more about our support packages here)
Having the initial design perfected before the build is one of the most important milestones in any implementation.
Having detailed knowledge about SugarCRM itself and being experienced in solving thousands of individual business problems and pain-points with our solution – our Requirements Workshops will reveal a technical blueprint of how your system is to be built.
What happens during a ‘Requirements Workshop?
For new implementations of Sugar, our requirements workshops are usually held on-site at your location. We also offer our office space/meeting rooms for this too, if you would prefer a distraction-free environment. But usually, it’s quite handy to be able to pull in your employees at various stages for them to help and assist in answering questions which could influence the design.
What do we discuss?
First, we start with some of the high-level/macro business challenges that you are hoping to solve with our solution. It’s important that we are in sync with these objectives as we consult over the design to ensure the focus stays on-point.
Other macro items could be talking about the overall scope of the project, and what business functions are to be included in the project such as sales, marketing, finance, operations and service/support.
Effective reporting is usually a top business benefit that is a useful output of using a system like SugarCRM. And understanding the requirements for what insights, intelligence, and dashboard reporting, can really influence the design and how we configure your SugarCRM system. So this is typically part of the process during the requirements gathering phase.
At a micro level, which fields, field types, and other parameters around the data are discussed in detail. Either these fields support a data migration from your existing system(s) or spreadsheets, or they are new fields that support a business process in Sugar.
Understanding the layouts of each module is part of the process too. Layouts can be assigned to a particular Sugar ‘Role’, and it’s important that we focus on defining an intuitive, simple layout for each user Role.
‘Workflows‘ in Sugar, are records which define an automated process. While we try to automate where ever possible to give you the maximum efficiency saving for time. These will be discussed and defined too.

There might be some level of custom-code required in order to make Sugar do something really unique, or integrate with another system. During this phase, we also scope these details.
Other items such as security, data migration, training strategy are typically part of the requirements gathering phase.
Once the design is complete and signed off. We then move into the build phase.
Learn more about the next step here: Sugar Configuration.