As an owner of a company who, along with our team, has invested so much energy into our consultancy firm – any change with our key software partner is really felt here at Sugabyte.

So when SugarCRM announces new inbound investment, new leadership and executive team, and a new direction for the main product: catching our attention is a big understatement!

A couple of weeks ago SugarCRM hosted a ‘Partner Day’ event in Lyon, France. The agenda was to announce ‘The New Sugar’.

Most of what we learned that day was so fresh-out-of-the-box that many SugarCRM employees were not yet aware. A new and exciting portfolio of products which complement SugarCRM’s core CRM offering, a new brand, a new website, new customer conferences, and a new story.

SugarCRM is also making the effort to listen and take action from partner feedback. It’s evident that customer and partner feedback really is shaping things. It’s a real partnership.

An important step in leap-frogging SugarCRM’s competitive advantage over other vendors is their investment/partnership with AWS. This is going to be expanding in a really exciting way. For those who don’t know – Amazon Web Services is the world’s most comprehensive and forward-thinking cloud platform with over 165 fully featured services from AI and machine learning to predictive analysis.  (1h YouTube video on their story here)

Leveraging these technologies from AWS means that we can take advantages of continuous innovation and tremendous economies of scale and SugarCRM’s development investments are allocated to the solutions – not the hosting infrastructure. As you’ll learn in the coming weeks and months, Sugar won’t just be running on AWS – it will be deeply integrated.

There is so much I wish I could share here about new tools and products, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy until SugarCRM’s announcement.

What does this mean for us? (and you?)  I’ve never come away from a SugarCRM event feeling more confident and excited about the future of our partnership and direction. I’m even more excited to use and offer great solutions coming soon to you.

James is the managing director of Sugabyte. He's been implementing SugarCRM for the past 7 years and had gained a wealth of experience having held roles in solution design, system configuration, training and support.